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Cafes in New Zealand
3480 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Cafes’ in their name?
311 Heretaunga Street West, Saint Leonards
(06) 878 6745
1/24 Grayson Avenue, Puhinui, Manukau
Inside Mitre 10 Mega
230 Great South Road, Southgate Retail Centre...
230 Great South Road, Southgate Retail Centre...
A garden setting inside Mitre 10 Mega in Takanini
Open 7 days from 8.30am till 4.00 pm, with the kitchen closing at 3.00pm and the last coffee call at 3.45pm
Bring the children and enjoy the new playground alongside...
View full details for Espresso Garden Cafe
View full details for Espresso Garden Cafe
(09) 299 9529
154 Featherston Street, Wellington Central
(04) 472 3434
144 Chadwick Road, Greerton, Tauranga
(07) 579 9436