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Schools in Christchurch City
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76 Breezes Road, Avondale, Christchurch
Chisnallwood is specifically designed to meet the needs of students in their pre-adolescent years. Achievements particularly in the areas of music, the arts, sport and all academic endeavours.
More about Chisnallwood Intermediate
More about Chisnallwood Intermediate
Give your child the gift of an early care and education experience that's as special and unique as they are.We have childcare centers across Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Hamilton.
View full details for Kindercare Learning Centres
View full details for Kindercare Learning Centres
260 Riccarton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch
11 Fisher Avenue, Beckenham, Christchurch
44 Cotswold Avenue, Bishopdale, Christchurch
7 McLean Street, Linwood, Christchurch
222 Queenspark Drive, Parklands, Christchurch