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Engineers - Precision in Kew - Dunedin City
4 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Engineers - Precision’ in their name?
Servicing Kew - Dunedin City

Accord is NZ's biggest machined component manufacturer specialising in precision machined components using specialist lathes & machine tools combined with computer integrated manufacturing techniques
More about Accord Precision | CNC Machining
More about Accord Precision | CNC Machining
Servicing Kew - Dunedin City

Mixtec manufactures one of the most advanced and comprehensive fluid mixers and mixing technology that is available in the world today. Wine Rouser.
More about Mixtec Western Engineering | Fluid Mixers
More about Mixtec Western Engineering | Fluid Mixers
Servicing Kew - Dunedin City

Manufacture of plastic injection, die casting and press tooling; Standard and custom mould sets; 5 & 3 Axis CNC component machining; Deep Hole/Gun drilling;Surface and cylindrical grinding.
More about Precision Toolmakers and Die Makers | EG Whiter
More about Precision Toolmakers and Die Makers | EG Whiter
Servicing Kew - Dunedin City

MSC Engineering are Specialists in the design, manufacture and installation of materials handling plant and screw conveyor systems. MSC Engineering for all your Conveying Equipment & Components in NZ.
More about MSC Engineering Conveying Equipment
More about MSC Engineering Conveying Equipment