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Chinese Restaurants in New Zealand
197 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Chinese Restaurants’ in their name?

Visit the very best of the city, SKYCITY - our premier entertainment destination in the heart of Auckland's CBD...
More about SKYCITY Restaurants Auckland
More about SKYCITY Restaurants Auckland
2 Kilham Avenue, Northcote, North Shore
(09) 419 7229
6 Rountree Street, Riccarton, Christchurch
Foo San Restaurant is a traditional Yum-Cha Restaurant, established since 1991, which offers authentic Yum-Cha and Chinese meals freshly prepared by the chefs each day.
Offering a relaxed environment with the traditional...
View full details for Foo San Restaurant
View full details for Foo San Restaurant
250 Devon Street East, , New Plymouth
(06) 758 7010
125 Meadowland Drive, Howick, Manukau
(09) 537 1256
2023 Great North Road, Avondale
2 Averill Street, Papakura, Papakura
(09) 298 7871