14th May 2023 Do not use this company under any circumstance what so ever they are not operating above board and the waste you send there will end up being inhaled by somebody located near their facility.
Interwaste, otherwise known as international waste ltd has been knowingly breaching their discharge to air consent on a regular basis for at-least the past 5 years exposing everybody near their facility to volatilized infectious and hazardous waste. My health along with that of others in the area has been damaged by this and I've personally experienced side effects such as insomnia, full body uncontrollable itching, pinpoint rashes, flaky \ white patches on my skin, trouble breathing, pounding heart, my nerves firing off and more. X-rays on my lungs show that they have enlarged since I have been located near their facility and I have noticed a serious decrease in my cognitive function and cardio vascular ability that seems to have gotten worse as the years have gone by. I also look quite unhealthy in comparison to when I first moved into the area.
If you want to find out more type in Interwaste Reddit into google or alternatively visit interwaste.exposed
Do not use this company under any circumstance what so ever they are not operating above board and the waste you send there will end up being inhaled by somebody located near their facility. Interwaste, otherwise known as international waste ltd has been knowingly breaching their discharge to air consent on a regular basis for at-least the past 5 years exposing everybody near their facility to volatilized infectious and hazardous waste. My health along with that of others in the area has been damaged by this and I've personally experienced side effects such as insomnia, full body uncontrollable itching, pinpoint rashes, flaky \ white patches on my skin, trouble breathing, pounding heart, my nerves firing off and more. X-rays on my lungs show that they have enlarged since I have been located near their facility and I have noticed a serious decrease in my cognitive function and cardio vascular ability that seems to have gotten worse as the years have gone by. I also look quite unhealthy in comparison to when I first moved into the area. If you want to find out more type in Interwaste Reddit into google or alternatively visit interwaste.exposed