Devonport Stone Oven Bakery & Cafe

5 Clarence Street, Devonport, North Shore City, Auckland
Physical address
PO Box 32440, Devonport, North Shore City, 0744
Postal address
The Devonport Stone Oven Bakery & Cafe is a popular eatery that offers bakery and cafe food. We offer a great big breakfast for hungry eaters and is a great place to sit down while having a coffee.
 based on 11 review(s)
Telephone (09) 445 3185
Fax (09) 446 1065

* * * * *
19th March 2012
I am a regular customer at the Stone Oven. I feel the below review is absolutely ridiculous. This is a great place to dine and i have never had to complaine, Im sure if i did there friendly staff and chef would be more then willing to help. I have and will continue to recommend this cafe to all my friends, family, and clients.
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Contact  Devonport Stone Oven Bakery & Cafe
Telephone (09) 445 3185