The Academy is dedicated to advancing the development of students of different age and nationality through a unique combination of intensive personal...
The Academy is dedicated to advancing the development of students of different age and nationality through a unique combination of intensive personal instruction, educational programs and performance opportunities, all of the highest quality.
World Music Academy offers individual and group music lessons in a friendly, creative environment. Our qualified instructors specialize in piano, guitar, drums, voice and music theory and provide an enthusiastic approach to music education.
We recognize that every student has a unique learning style and goal, that's why each student is individually assessed, specific goal is set and a lesson plan is created with student's needs in mind.
Everyone is musical, everyone can sing and every child can get an enormous amount of pleasure and benefit from learning an instrument. Go about it the right way and you will be giving your child an experience that will last them throughout their life.
We also offer Language Classes for speakers of other languages.