A place for children to Experience, be Educated, and Entertained!
Capital E is the only organisation in New Zealand that gives children access to such a wide range of creative technology and live performance.
It is an award-winning facility, based in Wellington, New Zealand, attracting up to 200,000 visitors each year. The National Theatre Company also tours nationally and internationally.
Capital E is a not-for-profit organisation with the sole focus on children and their creativity.
Capital E National Theatre for Children - Presenting award-winning professional theatre for young people. . .
Capital E OnTV Studio - Real learning in an authentic studio environment. A fully-equipped, hands-on television studio for young people in the heart of downtown Wellington.
Capital E SoundHouse NZ - Sophisticated sound and video production suite offers young people the opportunity to explore the extraordinary possibilities in combining music with technology. SoundHouse(TM) NZ DMV Scholarship Programme - This scholarship is a chance for talented and passionate student singer/songwriters to further their musical skills.
Capital E Events - Presents a range of annual events for children and families ranging from cultural festivals such as Diwali to more traditional such as Halloween and Christmas.
Education at Capital E - Capital E provides free teaching resources with programmes containing curriculum-linked activities, unit plans and information to enable teaching staff to extend the experience back into the classroom. School groups use Capital E OnTV Studio as a Visual Language, Technology and Arts resource.