Our team at South Seas Healthcare are committed to providing you with better access to quality healthcare.
Our family of doctors, nurses, community health workers, and receptionists will:
Help you stay healthy and diagnose and provide treatment when you are ill.
Give you and your family personalised, complete health care , which means taking the time to answer questions and address any concerns that you may have.
When you register with South Seas Healthcare, we will provide you with:
*Child health and information services including: immunisations and well-child checks
*Family planning, pregnancy tests and antenatal care
Health care for young people, adult and senior members of our community:
* Patient education and information
* Illness assessment and treatment
* Minor surgical procedures
* ACC assessments and treatment
What is unique about South Seas services:
*Staff who are fluent in Samoan, Tongan, Cook Island, Niuean and Tuvaluan languages
*Nutrition counselling and support for families
*Early childhood support and well-child education from nurses, social workers, and community health workers
*Antenatal clinics support for pregnant women and breast feeding education
*Home visits by our Community Health workers and Social workers to provide outreach services for our pacific families
*Health education so you can prevent illness and manage your own health
*Nurses in Schools provide healthcare services by working with teachers, Public Health Nurses (PHNs), etc, for school kids and their families in Otara and Mangere
*Social workers to link and support families with WINZ, Housing NZ and other Government agencies