Agricultural Contractors supplying services for Equipment Rental, Earthworks, Cultivation, Catrage, Eco bunkers,
32 years experience, RCNZ Registered Contractors, All operators hold or are training for NZQA National Certificate of Agricultural Contracting.
Services provided Ecobunker silage bunker construction, Land development and conversion, Leveling, dam and water resivior construction, borderdyke, and piped irrigation systems, drainage , track, building site, stopbank construction, pipe laying and most other agricultural earthworks.
Cultiavation sevices include direct and conventional drilling, conventional and reversible ploughing, chisel ploughing, ripping, discing, rolling & harrowing.
Suppliers of tyres for silage covers, and woodchip for calf bedding
Equipment rental services offer plant and equipment for all lthe above services as well as forage harvesting, the list includes Motor scrapers up to 20m3, Graders, and Excavators all with laser control systems.
Loaders with scales, log forks or buckets, Vibrating rollers, and Laser euipment,
Tractors from 60 to 200hp, Tip tucks for gravel and silage, Mocos 3 to 6m, Forage harvesters 450hp for grass, whole crop (6m cut), and maise (8row), Direct and conventional Drills 6m width with 6'' spacing, 6m folding cambridge rollers, 6m Vaderstad NZD leveling harrows, variwidth autoreset ploughs up to 7 furrow, revesible plough 6 furrow, 5 leg ripper, 3.5 meter 28'' blade offcut heavy duty discs, and a 6m chisel plough
Earth Works
Machine Rental, Tractors