Corporate Espresso Coffee Machines
6 Penguin Drive, Murrays Bay, North Shore City, Auckland
Physical address
Corporate Espresso Coffee Machine suppliers of quality coffee, Coffee Machines to the Office, Domestic and Corporate Market. Coffee Machine Rentals & Lease. Coffee Auckland Region Only.
(09) 476 2136
(09) 476 2136
(09) 476 2137
(09) 476 2137
(027) 480 9931
(027) 480 9931


Review Corporate Espresso Coffee Machines


I have known John and Julie for many years...what started as a business transaction for my first coffee machine as developed to where I see the both of them as good friends.
I have purchased several coffee machines from them over the years...generally as new models have come out. Their prices have been more than competitive... and their service is beyond reproach. I have remained with my present machine for several years now but still visit on a regular basis to purchase coffee beans. This often turns out to be an extended visit to catch up on all the news.
John has an extensive knowledge of his machines and has always been quick to service machines or repair the occasional fault.
Julie's business sense seems to be the backbone of the business but between the two of them and what they each bring to the table, they make a great team and this will be why they have a successful and thriving business.
I highly recommend this company to any person looking for anything to do with the coffee market.
Darren Calkin
Caldar Design Installations Ltd