Plant and animal ecological surveys for resource consents, educational purposes and the film industry. Identification of plants and animals for NZ & Pacific Islands. Audits/checks on environmental impacts such as pollution effects, impacts of developments. Research on eco systems, significant features, pest and weed impacts, biocontrol ecological restoration. Guided walks in the Waitakeres and elsewhere by arrangement, by Professor Peter Maddison. NB: Peter is a highly qualified scientist, and deputy president of Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society. Also member of Weedfree Waitakere Trust; Auckland Branch NZ Enthomological Society; West Auckland Branch and has given leadership in many other areas. Ph (09) 818-6803, Fax (09) 818-6894, Email: Peter has also spent 20 years in the Pacific Islands in the course of his work.
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Tourist Attractions
Resource Management Consultants
Environmental Consultants