Financial Fitness provides unbiased personal financial advice. The Company's specialist expertise is in the areas of investment strategy and management, retirement needs calculations and savings and insurances (including life, income protection, critical care and medical). Financial Fitness is a member of the LodeStar Group, which is a nation-wide network of personal financial advisers who provide expert, customised financial advice. By contacting Financial Fitness, clients can be assured of access to a range of specialist professional advice covering all aspects of their personal financial affairs.
Your Personal Financial plan will cover the following areas;
Current position - Assets & Liabilities
Income & Expenses / Savings
Goals & Objectives
Personal & Lifestyle Risks - Identification and solutions
Financial Risk Tolerance
Investment Analysis
Investment & Savings Strategies
Projected Scenarios
Asset Protection
Retirement Planning / Superannuation
Financial Fitness Global Investment Service - The ultimate investment service for serious investors, provides access to national and international fund managers and investment specialists through a range of sector funds. This innovative, simple and highly efficient service allows you to invest funds in a manner which meets your individual needs.
The KiwiSaver savings initiative is a new voluntary work-based savings scheme, administered by Inland Revenue.
With KiwiSaver, your savings come directly out of your pay and are locked in until you've reached the age of eligibility for NZ Super, currently 65, or have been with KiwiSaver for five years - whichever is later.
Everyone who joins KiwiSaver will get:
A once-only $1,000 tax-free 'kick start' to their savings account.
A tax credit of up to $20 per week ($1,040 per year) that will be paid directly into your KiwiSaver account.
An annual fee subsidy of $40.
Cash Management
Income Protection Insurance
Life Insurance
Managed Funds
Offshore Investments
Trauma Insurance