We need to provide our bodies with the right fuels in order to remain healthy.
You are unique, your body is unique and the food you require is unique, which is why a personal eating plan is important.
Food is more than just something to fill you up when you are hungry. It can be medicinal and healing if you choose the correct foods for your body. You may think you are eating healthily - but what if you are intolerant to the cucumber and tomato in your salad!
Healthy eating should not be about counting calories, weighing food, adding points, or any other practice that detracts from the main goal of providing your body with fuel - in a way that you can incorporate easily into your daily routine and that doesn't mean having separate meals to the rest of your family.
You cannot expect to have a healthy body if you run it on junk food or food that is valueless to you.
Contact Alison Cowell for:
Personal Healthy Eating Plan
Food Intolerance Testing
Healthy eating awareness talks
Nutrition Advice
Holistic Nutrition
Healthy Eating