16th February 2013 great artists great work , been there four times and each tattoo has been a one off seafaring design that gets positive comments all the time .Highly skilled artist in a excellent enviromemt ! I will be back . Cheers Tony.
16th February 2013 great artists great work , been there four times and each tattoo has been a one off seafaring design that gets positive comments all the time .Highly skilled artist in a excellent enviromemt ! I will be back . Cheers Tony.
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20th August 2007 Awesome artists. They came highly recommended and did a really fantastic job. The premises are brand new and have a really awesome atmosphere
great artists great work , been there four times and each tattoo has been a one off seafaring design that gets positive comments all the time .Highly skilled artist in a excellent enviromemt ! I will be back . Cheers Tony.