Pippal Wellness Clinic offers hands-free muscle relaxation therapy.
It stimulates overall circulation and eases aches and pains.
Each treatment combines the principles of massage, acupressure, chiropractic movements and moxibustion (detoxification) by delivering heat and soothing massage all-in-one. It incorporates the wisdom of both eastern and western medicine.
How does it work?
you simply lie down (shoes off, clothes on) and the Migun thermomechanical massage bed will do the rest. a recommended session takes 30 minutes and is oehands free.
How long does it take and how much does it cost?
Recommended half-hour session; $20.00
What are the benefits?
beneficial in case of back pain, arthritis, stress, poor circulation, scoliosis, anaemia, effects of a stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, chronic fatique, insomnia and constipation
detox and destress
improves the immune system function
ideal for sports people, musicians, heavy computer users and people in physically demanding jobs
Pippal means oeTree of Life Migun means oeBeautiful Health
100% locally owned and operated.
Hands-free muscle relaxation therapy
on Migun Medical Instruments ("massage beds")
Dancing Lion Press (NZ) books