Dog behavioural consultations and natural animal health care services. Brining pets and people together. We provide training and behavioural consultations for dogs, natural health and healing for all species, and intuitive animal communication for all species.
Our behavioural consultations are complete and long-lasting. They aim to give you the skills and understanding to build a better relationship with you pet. You can access these consulations either face-to-face in the Nelson region, or virtually using skype and other technologies both nationally and internationally.
We also offer puppy classes, dog weight-loss programmes, and pet personal training.
Wouldn't you love to truly know what your pet thinks and feels about their life? Find out with intuitive animal communication. This service is also helpful when finding solutions for behavioural and health problems.
Sam provides intuitive energy healing, assisted when needed by crystals and herbs. These healing sessions can also be used to discover what may be wrong with your pet, and to identify the best treatment solutions.
Please see our website for more information about all of our services.
Dog training and behavioural consulation
Healing for animals
Intuitive Animal Communication
Canine, Equine nutrition services