Afterschool and holiday programme that enriches the lives of children through Drama. At Drama Club we help develop important life skills such as working as a team, problem solving and communication. Our limited class numbers, structured lesson plans and fun activities are effective in building your child(TM)s confidence and strengthening their creativity. The activities are aimed at developing skills like tolerance of others' opinions, observational skills, memory and creative imagination which make it easier to make friends and in the long term to find and hold good jobs. Afterschool classes run for 40 minutes and are organised by age. Classes are held twice weekly " on Tuesday and Thursday. Each school term covers a different topic, these include Poetry, Characterisation, Playbuilding and Play. At the end of each term students perform what they have been learning for their parents and family. The holiday programmes run for one week of each school holidays and involve different topics not covered in the terms classes. Some topics include puppet making, debating, improvisation, dance drama and roleplaying. For more information please feel free to contact us at any time.