Migrating or Relocating to New Zealand? We are Pre-Arrival Accommodation Specialists so no need for a Hotel Start your new life its not the best way start you and your family and pets so deserve.
Pre-Arrival Accommodation Specialists
Looking to rent in New Zealand ?
We Arrange Accommodation to suit your needs,
Arrange Furiture until yours arrives.
Provide you with Hotel Quality Bedding, Towels,pillows,extra warm bedding.
Provide all Daily Home-wares,kitchen Accessories
Provide you with a Customized Relocation Package Tailored to Your Needs
Pick you up at the Airport on Arrival take you to your New Rental Home with beds ready made.
Don't need a Rental! we can supply all your daily needs. see Terms & Conditions www.nzrelocation.co.nz
Provide you with a home that allows Pets.
Customized help with Pet arrival.
On going support in those early weeks.
Help with I.R.D. best School, Dentist, etc.
Let us make your Migration to New Zealand as stress free and enjoyable as possible, By Arranging Quality Home Rental That are personally Inspected by us.
Help with arranging vehicle rental. Whatever your needs are we can help you with after we have experienced first hand what its like to arrive and have to go into a hotel.Make to move and look at www.nzrelocation.co.nz to see more on what we can offer and if you dont find what you need feel free to give us an e-mail to martin-linda-clements@xtra.co.nz.