Passionate about your business but struggling with paperwork? Tired of IRD forms? Want a professional to do your accounts but not sure if you can afford it?
We can process your paperwork, complete your tax returns and generate a monthly set of accounts showing your financial position. Crucial information to help you run a successful business.
As bookkeepers we perform all tasks processing your paperwork. We generate GST / PAYE returns and financial results. We perform debt collection, pay suppliers, balance the bank account, do cash forecasting and Payroll.
Using us instead of hiring your own staff means you don(TM)t need to worry about:
4 weeks paid annual leave and 5 days sick leave
11 days paid Statutory Public holidays
Kiwi saver employer contributions
Strict employment termination rules
Staff management
Employee laws and compliance issues
We also set up and train you. We work closely with your accountants to get the best results for your business.
Contact us now to work out how we can help.