Home > Business Advice > Business Consultants in Auckland City > Acumen International Ltd Acumen International Ltd
The Terrace
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Mobile:(021) 828090 Website Email LOMINGER offer a research based and best practice integrated system for every phase of organisational and manager growth. Globally, thousands of businesses and organisations use Lominger methodologies to define, measure and develop those critical behaviours which are proven to advance People Performance.
Acumen International is the NZ fully accredited Lominger Associate business. (refer www.lominger.com)
Using the Leadership Architect competency suite, Acumen pracitioners provide language, measurement and development toolkits to progress leadership capability and behaviours. We work alongside executive and mid level managers across many government and commercial organisations.
Lominger(TM)s LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT products allow people to work together effectively because they understand and share a simply understood common business language. Managers and employees come to accept what is valued by the business, and what oeskilled and oeunskilled looks like.
Use of Lominger tools will help you to create your unique competency model; recruit and compare new employees, provide accurate feedback and gap analysis, or design a development plan using the same competency language. It is an integrated process.
Options include:
Leadership Development
Core Competency Frameworks & Tools
Strategy Translation Tools
Coaching and Development Tools
360 Feedback Tools
Recruiting and Interviewing Tools
Organisational Development Tools
Non-profit Tools
Succession Planning and High Potential Assessments
Learning Enhancement Tools
Competency Profiling
Organisational Assessments
Performance Management
Teams Development