We sort everything so you don't have to...
...because you can't download experience
At Assetwise we take a unique holistic approach to ensure your financial position is the best it can be. Unfortunately most of us get advice from a whole lot of different people who only look at a narrow or specific part of our financial situation. That advice comes from brokers, lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, well meaning friends etc.
The problem is that they seldomreview your financial position as a whole cohesive unit...and that can be a BIG MISTAKE.
So at Assetwise, we make sure everything is working together to get you the best results. We want to get you the best covers at the best price, to reduce your tax, increase your wealth and grow and protect your assets.
Here are some of the services we can help you with:
Life insurance, mortgages, property investments, property analysis, financial planning, financial advice, general insurance, investments, Wills, Trusts, finance etc.
But the kicker is that we get everything working together to make sure ALL aspects of your financial life are set up right and working as they should be.
Investment property, property analysis, mortgages, property finding
life insurance, Medical insurances, Trauma and Total & Perminant Disability cover, Health insurance, travel insurance
Most banks, lenders & finance companies.
All life insurance companies for example (AXA, AIG, Asteron, CIGNA, ING, Fidelity, Sovereign, Tower, Pinicle etc etc)