The premier provider of employment preparation and careers advice. We will deliver:
Action-oriented Resumes and Employer-focused CV documents (along with Job Search Advice)
Career Experts Programme (personality-based Careers Advice)
We use your unique personality profile, combined with information about your interests, skills and values to identify alternative job options. We will also help you devise a plan to manage your career into the future.
Job Description-oriented Cover Letters
We will highlight the skills and talents that will make them take notice and invite you to the interview.
Employer-focused and highly effective Job Interview Preparation
Because we know what the employer will ask you and why we can prepare you to answer those tricky interview questions.
Effective Job Search Tactics
We will tell you how to find the unadvertised positions.
Our services are friendly, personalised and professional, and we are not happy unless we have made a real dif