Our mission is to ensure all our successful applicants have a fantastic time working and travelling in the beautiful South Pacific!
New Zealand and Australia has plenty to offer. Between us, we have lived in, travelled, and worked in more than 20 countries around the world. We are passionate about making your internship abroad, work or travel experience a life experience you will never forget!
Why choose us?
We(TM)re always available for our interns. We can answer any questions or give advice before arriving, and while here. We can help with travel plans, accommodation, meeting new friends, as well as what to see and do in New Zealand and Australia. Our office is located centrally, in the heart of Auckland City, and is easy to get to by train or bus. You can visit us from 9 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday.
Internships do more than just look good on your C.V.
We work with over 400 companies across New Zealand and Australia to cover the needs of students from every