Home sweet home, cat and dog homestay
111 Paranui Valley Road, Tikipunga, Northland, Whangarei
Physical address
A caring, friendly convenient cat and dog homestay that is an alternative to kennels an catteries. Oodles of attention, exercise and cuddles in a safe and secure family environment.
(09) 437 6701
(09) 437 6701
(09) 437 6701
(09) 437 6701
(021) 288 1112
(021) 288 1112


Review Home sweet home, cat and dog homestay


Home sweet home is a fantastic place to bring your precious pets. My two kittens have visited on many occasions and have the time of their lives, exploring every nook & cranny, climbing everything that can be climbed, and playing with the vast array of things set out to keep the cats amused, or just sleeping in all of the cosy spots designed just for cats. Its great that the cats get lots of attention and get fussed over just like they would at home, its no wonder they don't want to leave!