Buying our Pullets as a rule means you get quality birds,not just backyard breeder's birds that are more often than not crossbred birds being sold on as purebred.
Our birds are all reared indoors on high quality medicated feeds with multitudes of clean shavings and lashings of love
& care until they are all feathered up and ready to go outdoors and to their new homes.
We keep all our own top quality breeding stock and have on offer a range of breeds and can supply fertile hatching eggs, live chicks, through to pullets (young hens) and cockerels, plus seasonal ducks & ducklings.
We also supply our own quality hatching eggs for hatching your own chicks out from all our breeds, including Light Sussex, Buff Sussex, Coronation Sussex, Speckled Sussex, Black, blue and white Orpington,
Silver, Gold, and Blue laced Wyandotte, Blue Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Dorking, Welsummer and Lavender Araucana, plus seasonal duck eggs and ducklings from our Muscovy & Buff Orpington Ducks. .
Fertile Eggs, Poultry, Pullets, Buff Orpington Ducks, Housing, Waterers, Feeders, Health Products, Hens, Cockerels, Feed,
Jack Russell Terriers, Dorper Sheep, Beef Weaner Calves, Chooks, Chickens, Poultry, Pullets, Ducks, Fertile Eggs....