Magick Earth festival of Hecate
The Magick Earth Festival is a celebration for Earth and Nature based faiths, religions and beliefs. Most festivals feature stalls, lectures, workshops, discussion forums, a drum circle, community rituals and a general get together!
Come along and join us in honouring our Earth Mother and our Ancestors and celebrating our individual chosen paths. Connect with like-minded souls from many different traditions!
The festival opens on friday at 2pm
you can camp over or stay in the dorms with dinner provided, see our web site for full details.
Saturday is the Big day, we have a Pagan shopping centre operating, workshops and a craft village
Friday and Saturday nights are full of family fun with drumming, chanting and dancing (including fire dancing and belly dancing).
Don't worry if you don't know how, free lessons are available.
The festival closes at 11am on sunday morning
Medievil clothing
Aura Photo