CEproof is a market-leading consultancy for the CE mark and in CE marking for European Directives. CEproof provides a range of consultancy services for New Zealand manufacturers wishing to market their products within the European Union.
CEproof services the New Zealand marine and industrial sectors and has offices New Zealand, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Spain and Turkey.
The CE Mark and CE Marking is required for a range of products including machinery, boats, building materials and industrial equipment to allow these products to be sold within the 27 member States of the European Union.
UK Office contact details are:
Hilliard House Lester Way Wallingford Oxfordshire OX10 9TA UNITED KINGDOM
P +44 1491 825 743 F +44 (0) 700 3421 8581 enquiries@ceproof.com