Jobs-for-mums. is New Zealand’s first website dedicated to parents. The web based service allows employers to advertise part-time, full-time, job share or work-from home job options and to access a data-base of skilled and experienced job seekers. It also enables job seekers to easily access and apply for work that fits their lifestyle requirements.
Research shows that there is a largely untapped skill base currently unavailable to employers in the form of educated mums at home. Current low unemployment levels means the need for skilled employees is great and with ongoing advances to telecommunications, businesses are better able to provide flexible work options to access a new group of job candidates. Recent research indicates that over 85% of women (many of whom have tertiary qualifications and years of experience) wish to re-enter the workforce at a reduced number of hours per week, but are not able access these work options.
Now employers can access this fantastic group of people! We believe that Jobs-for-mums is pathing the way for business growth and for stronger families in New Zealand into the future.
work from home, jobs, recruitment, retuning to work, childcare, home based childcare, school hours, babies, children, parents, parent's, mums, seek, find a job, part time
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