Interior Design - the vital heart of homestaging. No skill is more important to the successful homestaging company than interior design. This is a large part of the reason for the success of DMI HomeStagers in the Auckland and Wellington regions.
DMI HomeStagers was the first fulltime professional homestaging company in New Zealand, and continues to be the market leader in creativity and innovation. The company was founded in 1997 by Dinah Malyon, whose interior design skills and understanding of the real estate market are decisive factors in DMI's success. Dinah has a wonderfully dedicated and talented team that assists homeowners, developers and real estate agents to optimise the potential of a property by showcasing it at it's best.
For more than 10 years we have been in the business of homestaging and interior design. We have over 10,000 sq ft of high-roofed warehouse space to house our vast inventory of furniture, furnishings and accessories. "We have such a large pool of furniture, we can always do the job", Dinah states with a smile.
"All our furniture and accessories present like new, but we have an eclectic mix of resource, so it doesn't look too sterile or 'staged' for the purpose of selling. It has to have an ambiance and a liveable look so the prospective buyer can imagine themselves in the setting."
Furniture hire
Home staging
Property staging
Interior design
Home decorating