We are a health service provider of rehabilitation for adults (16-65years) with brain injury. We provide residential rehabilitation, permanent living, respite care and community based rehabilitation.
We have contracts with ACC and MOH, so the services are provided free for eligible clients.
We accept referrals from ACC, MOH, or GPs. Families are welcome to make enquiries or visit us.
People experiencing traumatic (eg. from an accident) or acquired (eg. from a stroke) brain injury can be helped by our services.
We have a full multidisciplinary team including 24 hour nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech language therapist, social worker, doctor, clinical psychologist and rehabilitation assistants.
Our mission is to strive to provide excellence in the care and rehabilitation of people with brain injury. We have a "whatever it takes" approach to assisting clients to reach their maximum potential. We also see families/ whanau as crucial and provide support and education.