7th April 2014 Service was great while purchasing my bike, but their after sales service was disappointing
Front wheel came off bike after second day of riding it. It took off a small chunk off the frame and twisted the break disk. I was thrown off my bike and was lucky to get away with minor cuts and bruises.
I took the bike back the next day and was told the damage was not covered by warranty. They also said it was my fault and it would cost $200 to fix the front frame.
They guy argued I must have done up the quick release incorrectly. I know for a fact I always did it up really tight, exactly how they had shown me and according to the manual. In the end it was just my word against his.
Service was great while purchasing my bike, but their after sales service was disappointing Front wheel came off bike after second day of riding it. It took off a small chunk off the frame and twisted the break disk. I was thrown off my bike and was lucky to get away with minor cuts and bruises. I took the bike back the next day and was told the damage was not covered by warranty. They also said it was my fault and it would cost $200 to fix the front frame. They guy argued I must have done up the quick release incorrectly. I know for a fact I always did it up really tight, exactly how they had shown me and according to the manual. In the end it was just my word against his.