Personal finance cash loan hire purchase personal loan consumer finance call it what you like, it comes down to one thing. Money. Geneva Finance provides finance and loans for any number of needs including;
* financing a car purchase or repairing your current one ;
* unplanned expenditure ;
* consolidating your debts into one easy payment ;
* financing the purchase of household goods e.g. furniture, appliances etc ;
* taking a holiday or financing a special occasion such as a wedding ;
* or whatever else your financial need may be.
Hire purchase finance is another of our strengths. Geneva Finance hire purchase finance is available through retailers and vehicle dealers throughout New Zealand. Look out for our signs.
We are also very active in arranging mortgage finance for our customers and have a range of mortgage products available to meet your needs.
As an investment opportunity, you'll find Geneva Finance's Debenture Stock reassuringly secure with highly competitive returns supported by effective risk management systems. $5,000 is the minimum investment with terms ranging from three months to three years.
Geneva Finance can help you with a range of personal finance, insurance and mortgage products as well as investment.
To enquire about taking out a loan email us OR talk to us on 0800-800 132 OR call into one of our 21 branches nationwide.
To enquire about investing in Geneva Finance email us OR talk to us on 0800 800 133.