13th August 2013 A less than optimum experience after changing from being a patient at Mangere Dental has left me convinced that now is the time to renew my association with
Mangere Dental post haste! My treatment at Mangere Dental was ever exemplary
and having a dedicated receptionist at the practice makes for a less distracting patient experience (no chair-side assistant fielding phone calls from patients!)
I really didn't appreciate how well off I had been until now!
13th August 2013 A less than optimum experience after changing from being a patient at Mangere Dental has left me convinced that now is the time to renew my association with
Mangere Dental post haste! My treatment at Mangere Dental was ever exemplary
and having a dedicated receptionist at the practice makes for a less distracting patient experience (no chair-side assistant fielding phone calls from patients!)
I really didn't appreciate how well off I had been until now!
A less than optimum experience after changing from being a patient at Mangere Dental has left me convinced that now is the time to renew my association with
Mangere Dental post haste! My treatment at Mangere Dental was ever exemplary
and having a dedicated receptionist at the practice makes for a less distracting patient experience (no chair-side assistant fielding phone calls from patients!)
I really didn't appreciate how well off I had been until now!