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SO PAC in New Zealand
2 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘SO PAC’ in their name?
11 Patiki Road, Avondale, Auckland

Mixtec manufactures one of the most advanced and comprehensive fluid mixers and mixing technology that is available in the world today. Wine Rouser.
More about Mixtec Western Engineering | Fluid Mixers
More about Mixtec Western Engineering | Fluid Mixers
56 Huia Road, Otahuhu, Auckland

Manufacture of plastic injection, die casting and press tooling; Standard and custom mould sets; 5 & 3 Axis CNC component machining; Deep Hole/Gun drilling;Surface and cylindrical grinding.
More about Precision Toolmakers and Die Makers | EG Whiter
More about Precision Toolmakers and Die Makers | EG Whiter