Industrial coupons & vouchers in Manukau City

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Unit 3
65 Kerwyn Avenue, East Tamaki, Manukau
Thinking of changing Engineering Firms?
Valued at $150.00. Call us today for a free, no obligation consultation and one of our consultants will arrange a time to come out and see y...
Special Offer
300 x Heavy Duty Drum Pallets 1200 x 1150 $21.50 each Available until all sold Mention this Finda coupon...
Special Offer
200 x Strong Industrial Racking Pallets 1200 x 1000 $19.50 each Available until all sold Mention this Finda Coupon...
2 c Ashfield Road, Glenfield, North Shore
Have a project in mind?
Call us first or come and see us we would be happy to discuss the best and the most cost effective solution for you. This consultation ca...
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Unit 1
16 Arrenway Drive, Rosedale, North Shore
Give us your plans
and we will schedule and cost the hardware required at no charge. Call us now (09) 4764008 Please mention this finda coupon when you ...
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