You searched
Libraries in Waikato
37 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Libraries’ in their name?
41 Rewi Street, Te Aroha, Matamata-Piako
Lynden Court, Queenwood, Hamilton
Story Place, Taupo Town Centre, Taupo
1 Te Puea Ave, Meremere, Waikato
Meremere libriary is one of five Waikato District Libraries. Free membership is offered to all Waikato District ratepayers and residents.
Waikato District Libraries offer many free services and resources, such as borrowing...
View full details for Waikato District Libraries - Meremere
View full details for Waikato District Libraries - Meremere
142 Main Street, Huntly, Waikato
It's worth being a library member!
We offer:
* free membership
* free books
* free newspapers and magazines
* free language tapes
* free educational videos
* free internet access
* free...
View full details for Waikato District Libraries - Huntly
View full details for Waikato District Libraries - Huntly