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Civil Union Celebrants in New Zealand
31 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Civil Union Celebrants’ in their name?
106 Evans Street, Opoho, Dunedin
Marriage celebrant and civil union celebrant since 2005. Working with you to create meaningful, memorable and personalised ceremonies.
View full details for Philippa Jamieson, Celebrant
View full details for Philippa Jamieson, Celebrant
70 Dixie Street, Te Horo, Kapiti Coast
(06) 364 3373
79 Whaka Terrace, Huntsbury, Christchurch
I can assist you to make your day a memorable one. I can perform the ceremony as you would like it to be. I have books and material to help you both with your vows.
I can also perform Civil Union Services.
View full details for Lassen, Julie - Marriage Celebrant
View full details for Lassen, Julie - Marriage Celebrant
5 Grosvenor Terrace, Wadestown, Wellington