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Schools in Canterbury
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76 Breezes Road, Avondale, Christchurch
Chisnallwood is specifically designed to meet the needs of students in their pre-adolescent years. Achievements particularly in the areas of music, the arts, sport and all academic endeavours.
More about Chisnallwood Intermediate
More about Chisnallwood Intermediate
278 Williams Street, Kaiapoi, Waimakariri
Tankerville Road, Hillmorton, Christchurch
Lismore Mayfield Road, Hinds, Ashburton
721 Harewood Road, Harewood, Christchurch
147 Lyttelton Street, Spreydon, Christchurch
North Parade, Shirley, Christchurch
Homebush Road, Hororata, Selwyn
Glentunnel School, only 14km west of Darfield, sits under the Malvern Hills in a tranquil and peaceful setting.
The school celebrates a strong and positive environment with the local community.
Our school serves the...
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View full details for Glentunnel School