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Toolmakers & Designers in Auckland
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56 Huia Road, Otahuhu, Auckland

Manufacture of plastic injection, die casting and press tooling; Standard and custom mould sets; 5 & 3 Axis CNC component machining; Deep Hole/Gun drilling;Surface and cylindrical grinding.
More about Precision Toolmakers and Die Makers | EG Whiter
More about Precision Toolmakers and Die Makers | EG Whiter
32 Barmac Place, East Tamaki, Manukau
71 Portage Road, Otahuhu, Auckland
28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Rodney
6 Beach Road, Otahuhu, Manukau
Fairfit is one of New Zealand's leading toolmaking and metal stamping companies, specialising in the design and manufacture of metal components for industries as varied as aeronautical, aerospace, apparel, appliances, electrical...
View full details for Fairfit Metal Productions
View full details for Fairfit Metal Productions
12 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Waitakere
52 Sale Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland