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Cafes in Auckland
1065 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Cafes’ in their name?
473 Scenic Drive, Waiatarua, Waitakere
(09) 814 1919
Low-key cafe offering a range of snacks and small meals, hot drinks and an outdoor area to relax in. Open early for pre-work coffees.
View full details for Piccallilly Cafe
View full details for Piccallilly Cafe
15 Princes Street, Otahuhu, Auckland
Sam Woo is friendly neigbourhood Vitenamese Cafe located in Otahuhu.
Sam Woo serves an extensive range of tasty and affordable Vietnamese food, most of it priced at between $10 and $15 per plate. The restaurant has a...
View full details for Sam Woo Vietnamese Cafe
View full details for Sam Woo Vietnamese Cafe
(09) 276 8226
23 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana, Rodney
(09) 422 9130