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Disability Aids & Services in Otahuhu
2 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Disability Aids & Services’ in their name?
9 Marjorie Jayne Crescent, Otahuhu, Auckland

SATA or South Auckland Taxis Association provide 24 hour taxi & mobility services to the greater suburban Auckland area, We also provide wheelchair and disable taxi services.
More about South Auckland Taxis | SATA
More about South Auckland Taxis | SATA
519 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland
Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust is the largest Kaupapa Maori provider of support services to the Intellectually Disabled in New Zealand. Based in Otahuhu we provide services throughout most regions.
View full details for Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust
View full details for Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust