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Legal in Wellington Central
273 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Legal’ in their name?
Level 6,
Castrol House
36 Customhouse Quay, Wellington Central
36 Customhouse Quay, Wellington Central
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(04) 473 6943
Level 8,
Wakefield House
90 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
90 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
Geoff Sharp is a commercial mediator and barrister from New Zealand.
After 18 years in the law, and until 1998 as a partner of Bell Gully, a major NZ commercial law firm, Geoff is a commercial mediator and has resolved...
View full details for Geoff Sharp
View full details for Geoff Sharp
Level 3,
Fybase House
101 Lambton Quay, Wellington Central
101 Lambton Quay, Wellington Central
Level 12,
Greenock House
39 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
39 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
Level 1,
139 Featherston Street, Wellington Central
139 Featherston Street, Wellington Central
The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington