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Food - General in Waikato
250 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Food - General’ in their name?
92 Maui Street, Pukete, Hamilton
23 Manuka Street, RD2, Taupo
On the Adriatic coast of Italy, where the people are renowned for their obsession with great food, Angelo Tredicucci learned the time-honoured skill of artisan pasta making. Pasta Mia now has a small factory in Taupo making...
View full details for Pasta Mia
View full details for Pasta Mia
The Farm Shop
1060 Gordonton Road, Gordonton
1060 Gordonton Road, Gordonton
A true reflection of the Waikato's flora, Sweetree honeys are not blended, so each variety represents the area and season the bees worked their magic. There is a honey for every palate!
View full details for Sweetree Honey
View full details for Sweetree Honey
85 Ashworth Street, Tokoroa, South Waikato