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Churches in Pakuranga
8 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Churches’ in their name?
13 Cortina Place, Pakuranga, Manukau
71 Udys Road, Pakuranga, Manukau
The mission of St Peters is to be a place where all people can EXPERIENCE the presence of God's love; DISCOVER the values of Christ; CELEBRATE their sucessess; be SUPPORTED and be EMPOWERED to serve.
View full details for St Peters Anglican Church
View full details for St Peters Anglican Church
219 Ti Rakau Drive, Pakuranga, Manukau
Pakuranga Baptist Church - where there's more to life.
A family focused, multi-national church, Pakuranga Baptist Church is a growing church that serves the Pakuranga community.
Located on the corner of Fremantle &...
View full details for Pakuranga Baptist Church
View full details for Pakuranga Baptist Church
5 Ben Lomond Crescent, Pakuranga, Manukau