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Schools in Canterbury
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76 Breezes Road, Avondale, Christchurch
Chisnallwood is specifically designed to meet the needs of students in their pre-adolescent years. Achievements particularly in the areas of music, the arts, sport and all academic endeavours.
More about Chisnallwood Intermediate
More about Chisnallwood Intermediate
140 Main Road, Redcliffs, Christchurch
231 Barrington Street, Spreydon, Christchurch
O'Roarkes Road, Fernside, Rangiora
(03) 313 8608
26 Marshall Street, Southbrook, Waimakariri
Haldon Station
Haldon Road, Cattle Creek, Mackenzie
Haldon Road, Cattle Creek, Mackenzie
We are a correspondence unit in the MacKenzie Country. The pupils come here because it is too far to go to other public schools. At the moment we have 6 students, which changes from time to time. We are based onHaldon Station...
View full details for Haldon Station School
View full details for Haldon Station School
Old Main North Road, Leithfield Beach, Hurunui
61 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi, Waimakariri