You searched
Cafes in Westport
668 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Cafes’ in their name?
Servicing Westport
Ti Kouka Cafe have a delicious breakfast and brunch menu, great coffee and serve a range of alcoholic drinks including cocktails.
View full details for Ti Kouka Cafe
View full details for Ti Kouka Cafe
Servicing Westport
(04) 387 8888
Servicing Westport
Servicing Westport
Servicing Westport
Founded in 1990, Caffe L,"affare (pronounced la-far-ray) is Wellington,"s iconic and irreverent cafNLG, and coffee roastery.
The flagship cafNLG showcases our signature espresso...
View full details for Caffe L'Affare Ltd
View full details for Caffe L'Affare Ltd